North Aisle
North Aisle

Three of the windows are in the body of the church, with other windows in what is now the kitchen and the children’s Sunday school.

Mercy and Truth
Mercy and Truth

The scroll being held by the Angel reads “Children shall rise up and call her blessed.” which is taken from Proverbs 31, verse 28 (KJV)

The bottom inscription reads “For the Glory of God in memory of Sophia Hornby: Born 6th Oct 1834 died 23 July 1884”

Centurion and Nathaniel
Centurion and Nathaniel

The scroll held by the Angel says “Whatsover thy hand findeth to do: do it with thy might.” which is taken from Ecclesiastes 9:10 (KJV) The full verse reads “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”

Lamb of God
Lamb of God

This much more modern window has no inscription. The panels appear to show the life of Jesus from birth in a manger to teacher.

Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come.
Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come.

This window is located in what is now the kitchen. The scroll held by the Angel says, “Holy, Holy, Holy” and the panels depict Angels playing musical instruments. This would have been more appropriate for the window by the church musicians !

Frederick William Earle
Frederick William Earle

This window is located in what is now the Sunday School. The inscription reads, “In loving memory of Fredk William Earle”, and it looks like his coat of arms in the top window. The windows appear the show the lamb of God and the lost sheep.