On your left as you enter the church is our Kemp window, which has his wheatsheaf autograph at the bottom of the right hand panel.
The dedication reads “In honour of the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and in loving memory of Joseph Royden this window is dedicated AD 1899”.
The Latin inscription reads “Pasre aquas meos”, which directly translates as “feed me water”, which may be a reference to John 4 vs13-14 “All those who drink this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring which will provide him with life-giving water and give him eternal life.” (NIV)
The top of the window is partially obscured by the upper floor that was added to the church in the 1980’s. Also the polycarbonate secondary glazing has become cloudy due to Ultraviolet degradation which reduces the amount of light coming through the window. We may be able to improve visibility of this window as part of our refurbishment of the church if funding is available. To make a donation
Following the 1980s reordering of our church Purity and Patience ended up in the new kitchen. and have been admired by generations of volunteers serving Teas and Coffees after services, helping the Lunch club and making bacon butties for the Grounds Maintenance team.
The Purity window inscription reads “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
The Patience window inscription reads “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”
The window now needs specialist cleaning and replacement of the polycarbonate secondary glazing. To make a donation.